Вторник, 22.10.2024, 18:04

Геннадий Добров
Artist Gennady Dobrov
(1937 - 2011)

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Аrtistic biography
1. Preface
2. Childhood
3. The artist in his own words
4. Moscow Secondary Art School (1951-1956)
5. Moscow V.I.Surikov Art Institute (1956-1962)
6. Life lessons (1962-1973)
7. The artist in his wife’s words
8. "Autographs of  War" (1974-1980)
9. The author’s point of view
10. The musings of the artist’s wife
11. Opinions

12. Painting (1980)
13. Perestroika (1986-1990)
14. The 90’s
15. Afghanistan (1989-2001)
16. "The Gallery of  Dead Martyrs" (1997)
17. "The Mentally Ill of Russia " (2002-2004)
18. The last years of  life (2004-2011)
19. Epilogue
20. Afterword
21. Brief artistic biography

11 . Opinions.

 Востоков Е. И., генерал, искусствовед   

  Vostokov E. I. military  general, art critic, honored worker of arts of RSFSR:

"... The artist Dobrov specially forces passions. To cause tears in the viewer is very easy. In his works everything is correct, realistic. But there is no art... ".
   Герасимов Г.И., политический обозреватель   

Gerasimov G. I. political analyst:

"In Dobrov's pictures the face of the God of war of Mars is represented. The artist awakes our conscience, and correctly does".

Quotes from the movie "Artist Gennady Dobrov,
(TsSDF, 1989)

    Чингиз Айтматов, писатель 

Chingiz Aitmatov, writer. 
   "The reproductions of Gennady Dobrov paintings were brought to me… I literally fell ill, I didn’t sleep a wink all night. I would send these reproductions all over the world…”

The newspaper "Izvestia”,
on June 19, 1987.


Дмитрий Лихачёв, академик

Dmitry Likhachyov, academician.

"Compassionate painters seek for untroubled places on Earth. Being strangers to compassion, cherishing their own feelings, they keep away from tragedies and sufferings of people. There are not so many exceptions, such as a creative deed of an artist Gennady Dobrov…”

The newspaper "Sovetskaya Kultura”,
 on February 4, 1989.

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